Profile Picturejonathanbardwell

Lightsaber VR For Unreal Engine 4

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Lightsaber VR For Unreal Engine 4

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Built for my Youtube channel for May 4th 2019 as part of a tutorial series focused on Oculus Quest development In Unreal engine 4.

The project will run in any version of Unreal after 4.24 and also works on both desktop VR and Oculus Quest.


- Whole U.Project

- 1 Custom-built light sabre

- 1 small environment

- Sound effects.

- Check out the link above to see the project

Why is it $10? 
For the last 6 years, I've been using a GTX970 and its starting to die of old age. The plan is to use the sales from here to go towards a new graphics card. 

Thank you.

Basic License Agreement:

By purchasing any content from Jonathan Bardwell you are acquiring a Single Person Use license, whether it's a personal or commercial project.

This is the license that allows you to incorporate purchased content into your own Workflow, including for use for commercial projects. This is NOT an agreement of ownership. This license is non-transferable. If you do not agree to the terms, you are not permitted to use the content or files. Purchasing the files does not allow you to resell them unaltered 'as is' to any 3rd party without incorporating them into your own unique projects. 

You may not rent, lease, sub-license, distribute, lend nor transfer content 'as is' in their original unaltered form without prior written consent from Jonathan Bardwell.

* This agreement was originally wrote by Ben Mauro who wrote it perfectly.

Thank you. 

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The entire Unreal Engine 4 project seen in the video link to the left

522 MB
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